
JavaExe makes it possible to launch your Java application starting from an .exe as if it were about a Windows application, a system service, or a Control Panel.It is quite simply enough to copy JavaExe.exe (and JavaExe.cpl for a Control Panel) in your directory containing the Java application, then to give him the same name as your .class or .jar principal. JavaExe.exe is provided with a console version, JavaExe_console.exe, to allow have a console DOS to print on standard output. All that will be said on JavaExe.exe apply to JavaExe_console.exe.

With this new version, you can now :

  • to define your Java application running as control panel of Windows.
  • to put the application in icon of the taskbar, with its own menu.
  • to define a Windows service with an interactive part (with an icon in the taskbar).
  • to receive the systems events of Windows, and to be able to manage them in the Java application.
  • to launch only one instance of the application at the same time.
  • to have a Screen Splash of starting.
  • to use any format of icon for the .exe.

Link: JavaExe

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