NumCapsScroll Indicator

• On-screen real-time indicator showing the status of the Num, Caps and Scroll Lock buttons on the keyboard.
• NumCapsScroll Indicator monitors the keyboard status of the Num, Caps and Scroll Lock buttons and indicates it with the following ways:
  1. In the System Tray with its icon.
  2. With a tool-tip when you mouse-over its
System Tray's icon.
  3. With a small On-screen Keyboard-like panel.
  4. With a discreet sound ( optional as
a selection, but it gives you also the
ability to hear a special sound when the
Caps Lock key is active ).

• All the NumCapsScroll Indicator's controls are available from its System Tray right-click context menu.

Download Link: NumCapsScroll Indicator

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